Saturday, December 23, 2006


It's Christmas again, and already the patterns of over-indulgence in acquisition of unnecessary "stuff," the consumption of food, drink and frolic, the expenditure of time and all other resources, and so on, are already underway. It is a season when America is "malled" to death; for many, the mall becomes a fixed place of visitation. Yet, amid the din of music, cash register chh-chings, Salvation Army bell-ringing, loud speech and raucous laughter, one can still hear the occasional sobering reminder that "Jesus is the reason for the season." Though trite, this adage is not passé. Though coming from faint lips and even from cold hearts, it is still true.

He is the reason we scurry to malls and stores; He is the reason we host and attend fellowships, parties and get-togethers; He is the reason we are imbued with confidence, joy and hope. He is the reason for our celebration.

Some misinformed objectors are again spouting their ho-hum arguments against the historical legitimacy of December 25 as the date of Jesus' birth. Others will refuse to participate in the observation of Christmas though hypocritically enjoying the benefits of time off from work, good food, sales, visitation of family and friends, and so on. All of these are taking place because of Jesus. In spite of these frazzled dissent(er)s, Christmas promotes at the very least, a spirit of well-doing among us. Haven't you noticed that even the meanest persons assume some semblance of "niceness" at this time? It has the reputation of breaking the hardest intransigence and of overcoming the most stubborn sour-pusses… if only temporarily. Even Scrooges experience a visible conversion!

But this is not enough. Christ did not come to provide an external, occasional goodness -- this was already extant among the Pharisees and other self-righteous groups who, committed to maintaining their unimpressive façades, had ready established their own flexible, standards of virtue. No, Jesus, the eternal Son of God, veiled His divine glory, lived a sinless life and then laid it down sacrificially and substitutionarily for those that would believe on Him and be saved. Through this act of faith, God declares these recipients of His grace to be justified of all their sin and able to stand perfectly righteous forever in His Presence. My point is that Christmas is not something we do; it is something we receive. It is the gift of the historic church in celebrating the Father's gift of the Son to and for His elect. Ultimately, it is the gift of the eternal Trinity to the world.

As the cosmic mediating Lord upholding His entire creation by the Word of His power, Heb 1:3; as the eternal One by and for Whom all things were created, Col 1:16; as the divine Logos in Whom all things cohere, verse 17; as the Lord of life in Whom we live and move and have our being, Acts 17:28; and as the conquering King Who has destroyed (and will destroy) all dominion and under Whose feet the Father has placed (and will place) all things, 1 Cor 15:24, 25, Jesus Christ is not only the reason for the season but also for everyone and for everything. It is this sovereign, saving Christ we celebrate today, this season -- -- and forever. He is the Reason. Period.


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