Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My First Blog

With great diffidence I now enter the yawning domain of cyber-talk. Tony Carter pressured me. But stepping into this enterprise means that I'll attempt to contribute to the ongoing Reformed theological discussion with keen attention to its application to the Black community. Although many more able professors are already in the forefront of this necessary task, I, perhaps foolishly, believe I might be able to make some worthwhile addition.

My ultimate concern is that all Christians come to know the sovereign majesty of the Triune God as He is most accurately depicted and jealously defended in the systematic and comprehensive body of doctrine called Reformed Theology. Years of trampling by the ‘whelming flood of Arminian doctrine, perhaps still the default theology in American evangelicalism (though wretched Pelagianism is rising rapidly), have prepared us for the sweet richness and hearty biblical reality of Reformed dogma. In this matter, God has been merciful to usward by sovereignly opening our eyes and causing us to see Him in His Triune majesty and in the incomparable excellencies of His attributes, not as abstract propositions on the pages of Scripture but as the God of action Who sovereignly rules over the affairs of all His creatures for His Own glory. To this end, He has called out of the fallen world, a covenant people whom He redeems unto Himself through regeneration by His Spirit and faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross. Those whom He chose in eternity past have been, are being and will be glorified by Him. Ultimately, they will attain the apex of their salvation with Him in heaven. It is an irrefutable axiom of Reformed thought that God saves; salvation is of the Lord alone.

May He guide us in this difficult but necessary task.


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